24-hour Hotline 505.891.6666

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Better price.

Ozone Converter Overhaul

AeroParts services over ½ of the world’s fleet of ozone converters. Our services include testing, AeroCLEAN® and AeroCOAT®, a proprietary process that restores up to 99% of the converter’s original performance. AeroParts has extensive physical repair capabilities, such as flange replacement, and internal core stabilization. Our performance services combined with our physical repair capabilities means that your converter will always be repairable. More than 99% of all ozone converters received are returned to service, virtually eliminating scrap events. AeroParts has invested heavily in building an extensive exchange pool so you don’t need to stock expensive spares that could potentially sit in inventory for a year or two.

Testing determines whether the converter is
treated with AeroCLEAN® or the full restoration of AeroCOAT®.
